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Fixed departure Nalakhar festival tour 2024

Fixed departure Nalakhar festival tour 2024 with hike to the Tiger’s nest monastery.

Nalakhar festival dates: 15th – 17th December, 2024. Tour date is from 10th – 20th December, 2024.

Hotel category: 3 star hotels.

Price per person: US $ 2875 on twin sharing basis.

Single room supplement (Extra): US $ 450.

Total duration: 10 nights / 11 days tour.

Fixed departure Nalakhar festival tour 2024 - Highlights:

  • Scenic landscapes.
  • Ancient temples, monasteries and magnificent dzongs (Forts).
  • Witness the colorful Nalakhar tshechu festival.
  • Museums and government institutions.
  • Meet local people.
  • Visit beautiful Bhutanese farm house.

Fixed departure Nalakhar festival tour itinerary 2024 - Detailed.

10th Dec. Arrive Paro – Thimphu sightseeing (54 km, 1 hour drive):

Meet and greet at the airport and drive to Thimphu. A short stop on the way to view Tamchog monastery.

  • This monastery was built in the 15th century by Thang Thong Gyalpo, popularly known as “The iron bridge builder”. He built 108 bridges across Tibet and Bhutan, out of which 8 were built in Bhutan. His only surviving bridge is in Duksum (Tashi Yangtse in eastern Bhutan).

After lunch, visit to:

  • Memorial chorten (1974) built in honor of the Third King, Late His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuck. The paintings and statues give a rare insight into Bhutanese culture.
  • National postal museum where you can print your photos on the official Bhutanese stamps.
  • School of 13 Arts and Crafts (Painting school).

In the evening, free to stroll in the town.

Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

11th Dec. Thimphu sightseeing:

After breakfast, visit to:

  • Tallest statue of sitting Buddha in the world (51.5 meters) at Kuensel Phodrang.
  • Changangkha lhakhang, the oldest temple in Thimphu built in the 12th century by PhajoDrugomShigpo.
  • Takin preserve center: Takin – A queer looking animal believed to be a mix of goat and a cow and has baffled the zoologists.
  • Sangaygang view point – Walk across the field of prayer flags.
  • Dupthob lhakhang, one of the few surviving nunneries in Bhutan.

In the afternoon, visit to:

  • Witness archery match at Changlimithang stadium.
  • Craft bazaar where you can buy Bhutanese handicrafts and art works.

In the evening, visit to Tashichho dzong, seat of the national government and the central monastic body including the summer residence of the Je Khenpo (The chief abbot of Bhutan).

Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

12th Dec. Thimphu – Punakha sightseeing (76 Km, 3 hour drive):

After EARLY BREAKFAST, drive to Punakha. A short stop on the way to explore the beautiful Dochu La Pass (3140 m) with 108 stupas. If the weather is clear, you can also view the panoramic Himalayan ranges. You can also visit meditation caves.

While in Punakha, visit to Chimi lhakhang.

  • Built in 1499 by Lama Drukpa Kuenley, popularly known as “The divine madman”. He travelled throughout Bhutan and Tibet as a “Neljorpa” (Yogi) using songs, humor and outrageous behavior to dramatize his teachings of salvation through sex.

In the afternoon, visit to:

  • Punakha dzong built in 1637 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. Punakha is the winter residence of Je Khenpo (The chief abbot of Bhutan).
Then hike to Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Choling monastery.
  • This monastery was built by Her Majesty the Queen Tshering Yangdon Wangchuck. Perched high on a hill on the bank of the river, the chorten houses paintings belonging to Nyingmapa traditions.

In the evening, walk the longest suspension bridge in Bhutan (160 meters).

  • This bridge is considered the longest of its kind in Bhutan and connects the two sides of the Pho chu river. You will get a great view of the river, valley, temple and a good boost of adrenaline as well.

Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

13th Dec. Punakha – Wangdue Phodrang – Gangtey (75 km, 2 hour drive):

In the morning, drive to Gangtey. A short stop on the way to view Wangdue Phodrang dzong was built in 1638 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.

While in Gangtey, visit Gangtey Gompa.

  • This monastery built in 1613 by Gyaltse Pema Thinley, the grandson and mind re-incarnation of Pema Lingpa. The present abbot, Kunzang Pema Namgyal is the ninth re-incarnation.
  • Visit crane Information center.

After lunch, hike the beautiful Gangtey nature trail (4 Km, 2 hours walk – easy hike). You can see the beautiful view of Phobjikha valley below.

In the evening, explore Phobjikha valley (Altitude: 3000 m), the most beautiful glacial valley in the Himalayas and the roosting ground of the Rare Black- necked Cranes in winter.

Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

14th Dec. Gangtey – Trongsa sightseeing – Bumthang (156 km, 5 hour drive):

In the morning, drive to Bumthang. On the way, visit to:
  • Trongsa dzong built in 1644 by Chogyal Minjur Tempa. The first Two Kings of Bhutan ruled the country from this ancient seat. As per the tradition, the King of Bhutan is appointed the Penlop (Governor) of Trongsa and then becomes the King.  The dzong wasstrategically built by the ancient rulers to control the trade between Eastern and Western Bhutan.
After lunch, visit to:
  • Ta dzong, an ancient watch tower which once guarded the Trongsa dzong from internal rebellious forces and enemies, stands on the edge of the town. The first Penlop (Governor) of Trongsa, Chogyal Minjur Tempa built it in 1652 and has four observation points which resembles Lion, Tiger, Dragon and a Garuda (Eagle). The shrine of Ta dzong is dedicated to the epic hero, King Gesar of Ling. Today, Ta dzong serves as a national museum of the country and the chapel inside is dedicated to Jigme Namgyal who was the Penlop (Governor) of Trongsa from 1853 to 1870.
In the evening, drive further to Bumthang. Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

15th Dec. Bumthang sightseeing:

After the breakfast, visit to:

  • Jakar dzong which means “The castle of white bird” was built in 1667 by the Tibetan Lama NagiWangchuk. This dzong sits on a small hill overlooking the Chamkhar valley. The dzong played a vital role as the fortress to defend the eastern part of the country. The first King ruled Bhutan from here.
  • Jambay lhakhang built by King Srongsen Gampo of Tibet in the year 659 on the same day as Kichu lhakhang in Paro. The temple is visited by Guru Rinpoche who came to Bhutan in the 8th century on the invitation of Sindhu Raja. It is believed that Guru Rinpoche has hidden “Terma” or relics under the temple.
  • Chakhar lhakhang was initially built as the palace of the Indian King, Sindhu Raja. When it was first built, before the 10th century, the palace was constructed of iron – hence the name Chankhar, meaning iron castle. In the 14th century, Dorji Lingpa, a Buddhist saint, re-built it as a place of worship.
  • Kenchosum monastery built in the 6th century, this lhakhang was renovated in 1995 and so it has a modern look to it. Legend has it that the lhakhang contained a large bell that when it was rung, the sound could be heard all the way in Lhasa, Tibet. During the 17th century, the invading Tibetan Armies tried to steal the bell but because it was too heavy, they dropped the bell and in the process cracked it. It is now on display at the National museum in Paro.
After lunch, visit to:
  • Tamshing lhakhang (Temple of the good message), established in 1501 by Pema Lingpa. It is the most important Nyingma monastery because of its direct connection to Terton Pema Lingpa (1450-1521) and his re-incarnations. It is now the seat of Sungtrul Rinpoche, the current speech re-incarnation of Pema Lingpa. There are approximately 95 Buddhist monks in this temple.
  • Kurjey lhakhang: In the 8th century, Guru Rinpoche traveled to Bumthang on the invitation of Sindhu Raja who ruled over Bumthang. The King was ill because of the curse of a local deity Shelging Karpo. Guru Rinpoche meditated in the cave and subdued the deity. The body print of the Guru Rinpoche can still be seen on the rock housed in this temple.

In the evening, free to stroll in the town.

Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

16th Dec. Bumthang (Witness the Nalakhar festival):

In the morning, drive to Nalakhar temple and witness the festival (Full Day).

In the evening, drive to Mebar Tsho or “The burning lake”.

  • Mebar Tsho or “The burning lake” is located along the way to the Tang valley. According to the legend, Terton Pema Lingpa had a vision of the sacred treasures that Guru Rinpoche had hidden within the lake centuries earlier. However, the people of Tang and the local ruler were cynical of his claims. In order to prove his claims, Pema Lingpa held a butter lamp in his hand as he jumped into the lake. After remaining under water for a long time he re-emerged holding a chest and a scroll of paper with the butter lamp held in his hand still burning bright. Thereafter, the Lake came to be known as Mebar Tsho or “The burning lake”. Today, this small fresh water lake is a pilgrimage site for the Bhutanese.

Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

17th Dec. Nalakhar festival & Excursion to Ogen Choling palace (40 km, 1 hour drive):

After the breakfast, witness the festival (Half Day).

In the afternoon, drive to the beautiful valley of Tang valley and visit to Ogen Choling Palace museum.

  • The family that owns Ogen (or Ogyen) Choling has turned the complex into a museum to preserve its legacy and provide a place for religious studies, research and solitude. Thefascinating and well-captioned exhibits offer real insights into the lifestyle of a Bhutanese noble family.

In the evening, drive back to Bumthang.

Dinner and overnight in hotel.

18th Dec. Bumthang – Paro (Flight to Paro @ 11:10 am, 25 minutes):

In the morning, drive to the Badbalathang Airport and fly to Paro. Your guide will receive you at the airport and drive to the hotel.

Lunch in a typical Bhutanese farmhouse & visit to:

  • Dungtse lhakhang built in the 15th century by Thang Tong Gyalpo.
  • Ta dzong built in 1649, an ancient watch tower which now houses the national museum of Bhutan. This unusual building is in a conch shape with 2.5m thick wall.
  • Rinpung dzong built in 1646 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. Rinpung literally means “The heap of jewels”. The dzong presently functions as the administrative centre of Paro district.

In the evening, free to stroll in the town for shopping and photography.

Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

19th Dec. Paro sightseeing - Hike to the Tiger’s Nest (Taktsang):

In the morning, drive to Satsam chorten and hike to the Tiger’s Nest monastery (4 – 5 hours walk up & down).
  • The primary temple was built around Guru Rinpoche’s meditation cave in the 1684 by the Penlop (Governor) of Paro,Gyaltse Tenzin Rabgay. This incredible monastery clings to the edge of a sheer rock cliff that plunges 900 meters into the valley below. Legend has it that Guru PadmaSambhava, the tantric mystic who brought Buddhism to Bhutan, flew here on the back of a flying tigress, Dorji Drolo, said to be his favorite consort.
NB: You can hang prayer flags near the Tiger’s nest monastery, and offer prayers inside the monastery.
After lunch, visit to:
  • Drugyel dzong built in 1647 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. It served as a defense post against the invading Tibetan forces in ancient times. This dzong was destroyed by an accidental fire and is under repair now.
  • Kichu lhakhang built in 659 A.D by the Tibetan King Srongsen Gampo. He built 108 temples in a single day to pin the ogress to the earth forever and at the same time, convert the Tibetan people to Buddhism. Six of these temples lie in Bhutan; most prominent of them are Jambay lhakhang in Bumthang and Kichu lhakhang in Paro. Kichu lhakhang is said to hold the left foot of the ogress and Jambay lhakhang pins the left knee.
In the evening, explore Paro town. Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

20th Dec. Paro - Departure:

After breakfast, drive to the airport and farewell.

Fixed departure Nalakhar festival tour - Photo gallery

Fixed departure Nalakhar festival tour.
Beautiful Khamsung temple in Fixed departure Nalakhar festival tour.
Black necked Cranes in Phobjikha Valley.
Visit to Fixed Jakar dzong in departure Nalakhar festival tour.
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